

Our Parents

Thank you for enrolling your child

Dear Parents,

We are so grateful that you have chosen to enroll your child in our school. Your trust in us is greatly appreciated, and we promise to do everything we can to provide your child with a high-quality education and a positive learning experience.

We understand that entrusting your child’s education to us is a big responsibility, and we take it very seriously. We are committed to supporting your child’s growth and development in every way possible, and we will work closely with you to ensure that your child is reaching their full potential.

Thank you for your support and for choosing our school for your child’s education. We look forward to working with you and your child in the coming year.


The Management,

Excel Group of Schools.

Parent Policy

At Excel Group of Schools, we are committed to fostering strong partnerships with parents to support the academic and personal growth of our students. We believe that parents play a crucial role in the education of their children and encourage active involvement in their child’s learning.

To support this partnership, we have developed the following policy:

  1. Communication: We will communicate with parents regularly through a variety of methods, including newsletters, emails, phone calls, and website updates. We encourage parents to contact us with any questions or concerns they may have and will make every effort to respond promptly.

  2. Parent-teacher conferences: We offer regular parent-teacher conferences to provide parents with the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress, set goals for the future, and ask any questions they may have. These conferences can be scheduled through the school office.

  3. Attendance: Regular attendance is essential to a child’s academic success. If your child will be absent, please notify the school office as soon as possible by calling or sending a written note. If your child will be absent for an extended period of time, please inform the school office and discuss arrangements for make-up work.

  4. Homework: We encourage parents to support their child’s learning by creating a quiet, distraction-free space for them to complete their homework and by monitoring their progress. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s homework, please contact their teacher for assistance.

    • If your child is feeling ill, please keep them home until they are feeling better. This helps to prevent the spread of illness in the school community.

    • If your child has allergies, please inform the school and provide any necessary medication. We will make every effort to create a safe and allergy-friendly environment for your child.

    • If your child requires medical treatment, such as medication, please provide the school with written instructions and necessary consent forms.

    • In the event of an emergency, such as a natural disaster or medical emergency, we have established procedures to ensure the safety of all students. Please familiarize yourself with these procedures and ensure that your child knows what to do in the event of an emergency.

  5. Technology use: To support the responsible use of technology in the classroom and at home, we have established the following guidelines:
    • Students are expected to use technology in a respectful and responsible manner. This includes not accessing inappropriate websites or engaging in cyberbullying.

    • Devices, such as laptops or tablets, may be used in the classroom as part of instruction or for individual learning. Students are expected to follow all guidelines for device use, including not using devices for non-academic purposes during class time.

  6. Student privacy: We take the privacy of our students seriously and have established policies to protect their personal information. This includes not sharing students’ academic records or disciplinary records with third parties without written consent.

  7. Parent involvement: We encourage parents to be actively involved in their child’s education and welcome their participation in the school community. There are many ways to get involved, including:

    • Volunteering in the classroom or at school events.

    • Attending meetings of the parent-teacher organization (PTO).

    • Participating in school events, such as concerts, performances, and fundraisers.

  8. Student discipline: We expect all students to behave in a respectful and responsible manner while at school and during school-sponsored events. This includes not engaging in behaviours such as bullying or disrespect. If a student exhibits concerning behaviour, we will contact you to discuss the issue and develop a plan to address it.

  9. Complaint and grievance procedures: If you have a concern or complaint about the school or a specific issue, we encourage you to bring it to our attention. Please contact the school office or your child’s teacher to discuss the issue and work towards a resolution. If necessary, we will involve additional resources, such as the school district or external organizations, to address the concern.

  10. Student behaviour: We expect all students to behave in a respectful and responsible manner while at school and during school-sponsored events. If your child exhibits concerning behavior, the school will contact you to discuss the issue and develop a plan to address it.

  11. Student health and safety: To ensure the well-being of all students, we have established the following guidelines:

We believe that by working together, we can create a positive and supportive learning environment for all of our students. Thank you for your partnership and support.